made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Monday, August 22, 2011

I love bags...and winning them is AWESOME

I was SO excited this morning when the mailman came.....
 ......and brought me these!!
 How beautiful are they?
I know, huh!
I have an unnatural love for bags (kinda like my glass jar issue) when I got an email from this company telling me I had WON a laptop/ipad case I was super excited. (though I have to admit I can't remember the blog that I won them on, and believe me I searched and searched to give props where they are deserved-sorry!whoops). Being the brat that try not to be I dared to ask if I could choose something (of lesser value in fact) in place of the laptop/ipad case...I don't need a laptop case or have an ipad. I really wanted to pick something I knew I'd use all the time. 
DJ, the person that I was emailing back and forth at Mixed Bags was SOOO nice. I was allowed me to choose from 5 different sets..not just one item, an entire set...the coolest!!!
This company also does school fundraisers. I've seen their stuff at the school I work at and hope to pitch this stuff at my girls school. Umm..hello, they'll get 50% of the sales..what a great fundraiser!