made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Sunday, August 1, 2010

...Sunday Snapshot...And The Beginning of Birthday Month..'s Bradley picking us up from the Long Beach airport after our trip to Virginia & Washington DC...yes this was back in April, but since we never go anywhere big I'm going to just post these photo's for the next 20's all good!
Oh, right...Miss Juliet's Birthday Month Is Upon Us...
Other stuff already on the books for August:
*Day trip to San Diego to visit my Great Grandma, Aunt & Cousins
*I go to the dentist for the third time in 10 years...totally white trash, I know
(yes I DO take my children regularly & Brad goes too)
*Bon Fire with friends at the beach
*Juliet's Birthday & huge party
*Abigail starts 4th grade
*Juliet starts kinder
*I go back to work
*Girl Scout Camp Out
We'll see whatever else comes our way......