made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Monday, December 26, 2011

Xmas 2011: Over

Christmas around here is really about three things:
{*this holiday and birthdays are the only time I visit the toy aisle all year long-cause I'm not a sucka.much)

We are little more:
But every year I hope for this:

This year we celebrated the 
Welch Family Christmas the week before the 25th. This is normal for us and the best idea ever...this year we had the Taco Cart Guy.always awesome! 
{my girls with their Great-Great Grandma Rita}
It's always great to see my aunties, uncles, cousins, Grandpa and my Great Gma. Bradley was able to have the entire day off to join us, it was a great day.
We didn't get to see Brad's family this year. Next year we really need to make a trip out to Nevada.

Christmas Eve my dad and his lovely girlfriend Carol came by with goodies. 
{Flip Cameras-now they don't have to steal my phone}

For the last decade or so we have spent Xmas Eve with friends. Our friend Peggy passed away in April but we are SO thankful her daughter Sucky (Jessica)and Rose carried on the tradition and had us all over. Everything was perfect. 
It's so nice to visit and EAT with good friends♥. 

This year I finished my shopping weeks ahead of early in fact that Black Friday had nothin' on me and I completely forgot most of what I bought.
A few last minute revisions made by one small peeps list caused a last minute K-Mart..yes..K-Mart shopping trip along with a Target one(thanks for joining me mom!). 
Normally I don't give into these added items, especially if I'm DONE shopping, but this year I was a little soft {*}.

Christmas morning was lovely. 
I woke up at 6am after 4.5 hours of sleep, needing to go potty...but I didn't want to wake up anyone else. So for 30 minutes I thought about waking everyone up, bangin' out 12 minutes of unwrapping festivities and climbing back into bed while they played. (I actually told Brad a 1:30am that we should just let them know right then that Santa came so we can sleep until 8am).
By 6:52 everyone was awake and the breakfast casserole and Monkey Bread were in the oven. 
Present Time!
(I told you Christmas was about presents over here)
Brad was able to stay home with us until 11:45am then he was off to work.
 That evening we enjoyed some yummy Chinese food:
{flaming pineapple}
Good Times.